May 04, 2013

Сколько "Л" в слове "ИВА" - CHS ABC

Все-таки фильм должен быть фоном вышивке, а не наоборот...
A movie should be the background for the cross-stitching not the other way round
Полюбуйтесь на это:
Just look at it

Я долго соображала, почему у меня слово заканчивается на несколько клеток дальше, чем в схеме
It took me a while to figure out what's wrong eith the word

Slight progress on my ABC

I've changed the bee wing color to 613 and that's it. I definetely don't like the hand (or whatever it is) in "V" but really don't know what I can do about it for now.

I left myself no way back by stitching the year.